Changed your mind?
We offer a no-quibble 14-day money-back guarantee. Upon receipt of your return we will refund the value of goods in full. Note: All returns must be unused with their original packing. You must enclose a copy of your original invoice as proof of purchase. Return shipping charges will not be refunded. All return goods are your responsibility until received by us. For your protection we recommend you use a delivery service that insures you for the value of your returned item, such as the Post Office's Compensation Fee Parcel service. We are able to arrange collection for a fee of £12.50 (£15 inc. VAT) (Mainland UK Shipping Area only).
Our error?
Yes, even we can make mistakes. Please contact us to arrange for incorrect goods to be collected. You will be asked for full details of the problem. Upon receipt of your return we will process a replacement order to your requirements. If such an exchange is urgent, contact our Office on 01443 555046 to process a new order. You will be charged for your new order and a refund will be processed upon receipt of your returned item. Note: You must enclose a copy of your original invoice as proof of purchase. Goods must be unused with their original packing.
Goods may be returned for exchange within 14 days. Upon receipt of your return we will process a replacement order to your requirements. Note: Goods must be unused with their original packing. An additional shipping charge for replacement goods will apply. You must enclose a copy of your original invoice as proof of purchase. Return shipping charges will not be refunded. All return goods are your responsibility until received by us. For your protection we recommend you use a delivery service that insures you for the value of your returned item, such as the Post Office's Compensation Fee Parcel service. We are able to arrange collection for a fee of £12.50 (£15 inc. VAT) (Mainland UK Shipping Area only).
Immediate Exchange?
Contact us to process a new order. You will be charged for your new order and a refund will be processed upon receipt of your returned item. Note: All returns must be unused with their original packing. You must enclose a copy of your original invoice as proof of purchase. Return shipping charges will not be refunded. All return goods are your responsibility until received by us. For your protection we recommend you use a delivery service that insures you for the value of your returned item, such as the Post Office's Compensation Fee Parcel service. We are able to arrange collection for a fee of £12.50 (£15 inc. VAT) (Mainland UK Shipping Area only).
Faulty products within 30 days?
Please contact us to arrange for the collection of a faulty product. You will be asked for your original order/invoice number and full details of the problem. Upon receipt we will usually replace, repair or offer a full refund. Note: You must enclose your original invoice (or photocopy) as proof of purchase.
Faulty products older than 30 days?
Customers who receive a faulty product within 30 days are entitled to either a repair, or a replacement, or a full refund subject to inspection and confirmation of the fault. Please contact us to arrange collection of the product, so that it can be inspected. Products found to be faulty following inspection will then be refunded. Please note that it may be necessary to return the product to the original manufacturer to determine if it is faulty. When you contact us please have your original order/invoice number to hand, along with full details of the problem.
Goods Damaged in Transit?
Any goods received in a damaged state must be reported to the returns team within 24 hours, including photos of the damaged goods.
Order Shortages?
Should any items be missing from your order please let us know within 24 hours.